FOR5596 Annual Meeting, Stuttgart, November 2024
After a successful first year of our FOR5596 group, all members met for our 2-day annual meeting at the University of Stuttgart. A lot of project progress reports with lots of discussions, a presentation of our Mercator Fellow Dr. Marc Garcia-Borràs, discussions about handling of research data and ideas and activities for the next year.
We are excited about the amazing projects and collaborations and look forward to the next year 2025.
Here is a photo of FOR5596 at the annual meeting in Stuttgart.
Visit of Mercator Fellow in Freiburg and Stuttgart
Mercator Fellow Dr. Marc Garcia Borràs visited members' laboratories in Freiburg and attended the annual meeting of FOR5596 in Stuttgart.
The doctoral researchers Juliane Breiltgens and Ziruo Zou with Dr. Marc Garcia Borràs.
Research visit in Braunschweig
The doctoral researcher Juliane Breiltgens spends 3 weeks in the laboratories of the members in Braunschweig at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research.
The doctoral researchers Juliane Breiltgens and Marlena Bolz.
Summer School for Doctoral Researchers of FOR5596 in Hamburg, 16.-18.10.2024
We organized a summer school for the doctoral researchers of FOR5596 in Hamburg. We spent three days on the campus of the DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) presenting and discussing our projects, we had a tour through EMBL and the XFEL and participated in a workshop on 'Unconscious Bias-Training'.
From left to right: Karina Witte, Ziruo Zou, Max Häußler, Marlena Bolz, Tingyi Zhan, Lars-Hendrik Köppl, Fabian Piskol, Marius Schnutenhaus, Agnes Bartels, Lukas Gericke, Mehmet Ergüven, and Juliane Breiltgens.
The doctoral researchers for FOR5596 together with ARGUS, the first Particle Detector of "Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)".
EnzymeML Workshop, Germany, September 2024
Four of our doctoral researchers attended an EnzymeML workshop organized by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pleiss. Prof. Dr. Jennifer Andexer gave a talk there.
From left to right: doctoral researchers Max Häußler, Mehmet Ergüven, Agnes Bartels, Lars-Hendrik Köppl, and the principal investigators Prof. Dr. Jennifer Andexer and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pleiss.
Gordon Research Conference Biocatalysis, United States, July 2024
Two of our members, Kai Schülke and Max Häußler, presented their research at the Gordon Research Conference Biocatalysis in Boston.
Congratulations to our member, Kai Schülke, who presented his research 'Engineered transferases for SAM analog synthesis from haloalkanes' at the Gordon Research Conference Biocatalysis and won the second poster prize.
4th NextGenBiocat symposium in Heraklion, Greece, May 2024
Some of our members presented their research at the 4th NextGenBiocat symposium in Greece.
Group photo of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Hammer, Dr. Philipp Germer, Lars-Hendrik Köppl, and Lukas Gericke.
Lars-Hendrik Köppl presents his work 'S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine Hydrolases - Determining the Fate of S-Adenosyl-L-methionine Metabolites'.
Dr. Philipp Germer presents his work 'Polyphosphate Kinases: Setting a New Benchmark for Enzymatic Phosphorylation?'.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Hammer gives a talk on 'New catalytic reactions by enzyme engineering'.
Group photo in front of the conference hall.
FOR5596 Kick-off Meeting, February 2024
Our FOR5596 group just started in early 2024 with our 2-day kick-off meeting at the University of Freiburg. Lots of planning, coordination and discussion for the next 4 years of joint research projects. We are looking forward to some amazing collaborations.
Here is a photo of most members of FOR5596 at the kick-off meeting.